Sunday, August 17, 2008

Over Eating and the Mortgage Crisis!

I’m over weight. I keep thinking that I am going to quit eating the foods that are causing the problem. Yes, I could exercise more but what I really need to do is to stop eating donuts, cookies, cakes, and my biggest issue ice cream.

You may remember the first time you tasted a donut, cookie, ice cream, or potato chips. I certainly do. From that moment on I was hooked. I was a junk food addict. I needed my food fix and I didn’t let much get in the way. Even though I swim, bike, or walk and it takes hours to work off one donut I still have to have the donut. I know I shouldn’t. I know it will take an hour of working out to delete the effect of the donut, but I still eat it.

As I look at my eating problem I realize that this is exactly what got the mortgage business in trouble. They got hooked on higher yield and as time went on they wanted higher and higher yield. They forgot to exercise (Risk).

First, mortgage investors including big banks started eating (buying) lower and lower credit scores. Then they allowed stated income with credit scores below 700 and you could be a W2 employee. Finally they would invest in your mortgage even if you were one day out of bankruptcy. Yes, they were hook. They were junkies.

Unlike my weight problem these bad mortgage junkies are being bailed out by our government (which is us). They are taking our tax dollars to try and fix the problem.

This seems like a great thing to me. I eat what I want and then the government (you and I) bail me out. That would be great.

One last thing: Mr. and Ms. Congress, Mr. and Ms. Senate, Mr. President, please send my Junk food Junkie bail out check soon. I’m worried my eating junk food could take down our entire economy if not corrected soon.

Send Help (Money) Fast!!!

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